Saturday, January 19, 2008


The LHMM believes that one of their major doctrinal purities comes in their unique view of hell as a place that is not eternal torment. This idea is not unique to the LHMM. In fact, other churches believe it and it is still debated today. The view is known as Annihilationism.

Greg Boyd discusses this view in depth in a recent sermon with some good commentary on theological debate.

Other churches state that hell is eternal separation from God without necessitating literal fire. Billy Graham was quoted in TIME magazine (November 15, 1993) "When it comes to a literal fire, I don't preach it because I'm not sure about it."

"Hell is not eternal torment, but it is the final and irrevocable choosing of that which is opposed to God so completely and so absolutely that the only end is total non-being...Annihilation might be a truer picture of damnation than any of the traditional images of the hell of eternal torment. If God has created us with the freedom to choose, then those who make such a final choice choose against the onl source of life, and they have their reward." -- "The Mystery of Salvation," the third 'Report by the Doctrine Commission of the General Synod of the Church of England," published 'under the authority of the House of Bishops and is commended by the House to the Church for study.

U.S. News and World Report had a cover story from 1/31/00 about Hell and changes in doctrinal views over time called "Hell Hath No Fury—With fire and brimstone out of fashion, modern thinking says the netherworld isn't so hot after all"


Anonymous said...

This blogger (Me)says he was involved in the LHMM - has this blogger (Me) completely lost touch with reality? This "Hell" heading and the "Heaven" heading which follows it demonstrates that he now has reverted to a belief in the hell of the dark ages, and evidently, a belief in the consciousness of the dead. Wow! - talk about doctrines used for control of the people!! Hope you can come back to your senses, brother.

Me said...

Interesting...that you haven't really read either post. If you had you might see that the Hell post shows that the LHMM view on hell is not unique. There are many churches and theologians who have thought about it. That's all. So, in effect, if you want to agree with that particular doctrinal teaching you need not be associated with the LHMM. The Heaven post shows that the LHMM belief is closer than you might think to other churches if you remove the time factor (flawed chronology) that limits "the church" to those that consecrated before a certain date. In other words, the Little Flock AND Great Company together could be pretty big...and the LHMM believes that already. So given the constructs you believe already those people are conscious and in heaven right now, right? How many are there? You don't know. I'm not even getting into the debate of if those classes exist...just attempting to show the similarity (rather than differences) between what you might refer to as "nominal church" teachings.

Anonymous said...

one false teaching about hell replaced with another false teaching. Just opinions. the word hell should not even be in the Bible. Anyone who knows Brother Russells teaching on hell knows that he was aware that it is the common grave. simple when translated properly. That is why people felt that he had Gods backing, becuase he was willing to accept a Bible teaching different from what he had previously understood.