It is at times difficult to gain the large perspective within the LHMM due to the minute studying of details. Here we lay out some more information about the LHMM and its history in an effort to sort things out as they occurred. We begin with some of the predictions that Paul S.L. Johnson (PSLJ) made about himself. Among them:
* That God knew ahead of time he would be faithful as the Epiphany Messenger and that he would be recognized as the Epiphany Messenger by the other Bible Student groups (like Joseph was recognized by his brothers). - This did not happen. Many Bible Student groups rejected him.
* That he would be the last of the Little Flock. - There is no way to know this.
* That he would die a violent death in October, 1956. - He died in 1950, instead of 1956....and his death was not violent.
* That he would write 21 volumes. - He did not.
* That he would expound the entire Bible. - He did not.
Here are a few of the other unfulfilled predictions that PSLJ wrote:
* That he would be in rank in the kingdom behind Bro. Russell, and the 12 apostles. - There is no way to know this. Possibly, God would reward false prophets with a high rank.
* That the time of trouble would end in 1956 and the Kingdom would be established with the collapse of society, anarchy, etc. - According to the LHMM, the time of trouble" is still going on.
* Before 1939, he said there would not be another World War. - When there was another World War, he said that it wasn't another war, but a continuation of the first one.
* He said that Germany would win World War Phase II. - They did not.
* That revolution would start in 1934. - When that didn't happen he said that revolution would start in 1949.
* That communism would overthrow the capitalist countries. - Didn't happen.
* That JWs would form a union with the state and grow to be the majority religion in America. - Not true.
* That labor unions would revolt against capitalists (based upon the types Jehu, etc.) Some of these predictions were just continuations of the ones Russell made. - No.
* That the end of Epiphany would be in 1954. - Unverifiable.
None of these statements are true and he was not coerced into making any of the statements. They were just a product of his imagination and wishful thinking. The confusion that resulted from the lack of fulfillment gave rise to differences of opinion about what happened, which caused splits and siftings. The fact that these predictions did not come true made his followers wonder about the other predictions. They said that it was a "trial of faith" and by this they meant it was a trial of their faith is Paul Johnson AS THE EPIPHANY MESSENGER.
Johnson said also that the Great Company would recognize themselves as Levites (those in lower rank than the priests) and they would leave Babylon (other churches). He said that Raymond Jolly was the leader of the Good Levites, and that he should succeed him. Jolly took over as the Executive Trustee, as Bro. Johnson had planned, but he also said that the Little Flock would last until 1956. Some people then said that there were Little Flock members remaining, including themselves, and that Jolly shouldn't be leading them. Jolly was teaching that it was the time for the Great Company members to recognize themselves and cleanse themselves. Some denied that they were in the Great Company and there were classes that split over this issue.
When 1954 arrived, it was to be the end of the call of the Youthful Worthies, and the LHMM taught that there was a new class forming called the "Consecrated Epiphany Campers", and a new period called the Basileia. The controversies with Krewson and Hoefle and other so-called sifters were over these points and over who the leader should be. They would quote without ceasing PSLJ's own statements and try to make sense of them. PSLJ made predictions that could not be harmonized in light of the events. This was similar to the case of Charles Taze Russell (CTR) dying with some of his predictions not occurring, and causing confusion and division.
By 1956, the kingdom had not come, nor had world revolution or anarchy, nor had the other predictions been fulfilled. The Epiphany was to be the period when the world would recognize that Christ was present, but during the period 1914-1954, the world never recognized this. Even today, the world still does not recognize that Christ is present as taught by the LHMM, and the kingdom has not come, and the timetable has not been realized.
There are further reinterpretations that lead to contradictions such as:
* The Great Company converting Israel - Did not happen.
* Babylon falls, and the Great Company recognize themselves, and give the message that Babylon has fallen - Did not happen.
* The planning stage of the Revolution began in 1949 - Did not happen.
* The lease of the Times of the Gentiles expired in 1914, and the kingdoms of this world are being destroyed. - Many more new countries have been established since then.
There are about 11 books that Johnson wrote that contain his typing, predictions, and controversies with others, disagreeing with their types and predictions. These instances are not isolated and stray points, but something he did constantly. The LHMM is still selling these books AS TRUTH without apology or corrections. PSLJ was likely influenced in his typing, predictions, and personal claims by Russell's typing, predictions, and personal claims. Charles Taze Russell predicted the time of trouble during 1874-1914, and the Kingdom in 1914. This did not occur, and these predictions are false statements, or error. They did not come from God, because God is truth. He was not God's messenger in making these statements, and it is wrong for Christians now to be studying in depth these erroneous statements.
It is apparent now that PSLJ was presumptuous and an unreliable leader. The siftings and controversy and confusion were all unnecessary, and caused by his own foolish statements. Some of the predictions are still "on the books", but others have been reinterpreted like the CEC class, and Basileia, etc. There is a folly in the belief in "God's messengers", of dogmatically predicting the future, of establishing doctrines based on types, and of classes studying at a snail's pace books that teach these things.
As evidenced by the history shown here, the present day troubles within the LHMM and manifesting of certain people as "sifters" is nothing new. It is more of the same. It amounts to spiritual abuse and overstepping bounds in incorrect Biblical interpretation.
The big question is: Can Paul S.L. Johnson and the LHMM be trusted? You must answer and make a choice for yourself what is true. If your conclusion is no, then everything is up for grabs. How do you decide what he wrote was true? In his view, you don't have a choice. You must take it all on faith that he was the Epiphany Messenger. Do you put your faith in man or God?