Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Real Issue

The real issue with the LHMM is not so much the doctrinal debate of the truth. In fact, Biblical doctrines are constantly debated today and so there is some ambiguity that is OK. There are some truths worth dying for, some worth defending, and others worth only discussing.

The main issue with the LHMM is following one individual as the final authoritiy and definitive answer to all Bible questions. Followers of the LHMM will state that they are reasoning from the scriptures and proving their faith. In some cases this is true, but many times the interpretations would never be a conclusion that could be drawn from scripture. In this case, the only answer is that the correct interpretation comes from following what Johnson (or the present leader of the LHMM) wrote. This is the danger. At this point, you must then establish the authority of that individual. How is this done? By studying their writings. So it is a completely circular argument.

Imagine that I said today: "I am the final authority for interpreting the Scriptures. I am the mouthpiece of the Lord. You can not interpret the Scriptures for yourself without going against the Lord's arrangements."

How would you know this is true?

"I can help you find some scriptures in the Bible to prove it....and you must believe those interpretations because I am the person that will provide you with the correct interpretation because God has given them to me."

This is exactly the argument on which the LHMM has founded so many of their Epiphany truths and beliefs. It is extremely dangerous as it puts the leader in a position of authority that is not Biblical and ripe for abuse. They are not accountable to anyone. If a present day pastor from some other church claimed this today, my advice (and that of many other Christians) would be to run away as fast as you can...now.

The unfortunate thing is that LHMM followers somehow have been blinded and cannot see this simple truth. Even if there are many beautiful and correct Biblical interpretations within the group, this one corrupt view cancels them out.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the scripture written by the apostle Paul: "But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness." - 2 Thess. 2:9-12.

When anyone - or any organization - makes claims that go beyond Jehovah's Word, this is truly a dangerous position to be in - and stay with!

Liberal JWs said...

I walked away from the JW org 14 years ago because it was too fundamental and controlling and because makes it's org mediator to Jah. I have read LHMMs stuuf for 12 years and feel they make Russell and Johnson their meditor to Jah/ This over focus of this "Faithful Servent" seems to be soecial to JW, LHMMs and Bible Students.

I agree with the basics of beliefs:

(1) A Non-trinity God

(2) The restoration of this earth as my hoped destiny

(3) Hell simply means the grave.

These are the '3' basic beliefs that LHMMs and JW's embrace that I AGREE with..but their creature worship of either an organization, in the case of JW's..or Russell and/Or Johnson in LHMMs case..and their fundamentalism is not acceptable. There needs to be a third moderate/progressive alternative to LHMMs and JW's.

If anyone agrees with all this please let me know. beachofeden@myspace.com


Liberal JW said...

The URL to Liberal JWs is...
