Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No One Asked Why

This blog is written primarily by those that left the LHMM in hopes that it will help others that are going through similar experiences possibly due to similar reasons. In the movie Shadowlands, C.S. Lewis says "We read to know we are not alone." Since the LHMM and their doctrines are so specific, it is easy to feel alone in your beliefs. You are not alone. Others have had similar thoughts and feelings.

There were reasons for leaving. It was not an overnight decision. For each of us, study and prayer went into the event. It was based on some of the things discussed on this blog and other reasons. One big reason for the separation was based on doctrine and beliefs. Ultimately, I had many questions that were never answered appropriately. In personal conversations with the executive trustee of the LHMM at the time, he acknowledged some of the errors I pointed out. His response was this: "I agree but I do not believe that the LHMM is strong enough to withstand this knowledge." So nothing was done. Continuing to preach things that are known to be incorrect is wrong. In essense, the response was similar to Col. Jessep in the movie "A Few Good Men" when he said "You can't handle the truth."

So one day it changed for me. Something that I had spent my entire life knowing became harmful and not the wisest course to continue following. I took a step in faith and separated myself from the system of belief put forward by the LHMM. The strange thing I found was that out of all the people that stayed in the one asked WHY? Over the years, I had built many close friendships as well as my closest family members. Yet, you just let me go without a question. No one even asked "Are you OK? Is there anything we can do for you?"

I find this hard to understand. If you believe that the LHMM has the one and only correct truth, and desire to share it with everyone, and then someone leaves that purity and fellowship, then why are you not interested in "why?". Why are you not curious? Here are some possible reasons:
* It makes you uncomfortable.
* You don't want to know the answer because you are fearful it may influence your decision to stay.
* You were taught to disassociate with anyone that might possibly disagree.
* You see the leaving person as dangerous or a possible sifter.
* You don't care.

I don't think the reason is "because you don't care". in general, the people associated with the LHMM are good people with loving and caring hearts. If the reason is one of the others, then how did that come about? Where did you get the idea that talking with someone that has different beliefs would be harmful? Isn't your faith strong enough to handle real questions? Any system of belief that is built on truth should be able to withstand honest questioning. Many of the thoughts put forth on this blog remain undefended. How do you come to terms with your beliefs?


Unknown said...

I don't know what the exact circumstances of your leaving were, but I know as a person previously associated as well, sometimes when people left, they would just up and leave without much of an explanation and would not even say good-bye. I have felt hurt that some people have just up and left, with no call, no good-bye.

Maybe you're saying people should call or try to get those people to come back. I met with LHMMers cause I wanted to meet with people who believed in restitution, with Jesus as God's son and not as God, etc. Anyone can attend and does not have to believe that way, but yeah....I don't want to study some other doctrine or belief that typical churches have, when I am in an ecclesia or at a convention. What would be the point of that? I was specifically with the group BECAUSE of the beliefs. I could go anywhere to get something else.

I agree with you that people should be kind if someone feels they don't want to be there, and we shouldn't label anyone, ever.

I am not sure of your specific circumstances, but there are always two sides to everything.

It seems as if you are still hurt or upset by how you were treated. If you are so served by the faith situation you are in currently in, why have you not got past this?

Me said...

I am past it and over it. The main idea of the post is around the thought that I wonder why no one in the LHMM cared to question. When I personally left it was done in a formal way for the local group as a letter of resignation. I still had contact with most of the people on a regular basis...but no one asked why. I think one possible reason is that they don't want to honestly address questions to their beliefs and they are taught that Johnson and Russell provide all the right what is the need to question. It's kind of a mentality like "my mind is made up so don't confuse me with the facts." It's a sad situation that I wish could be remedied for the benefit of those in the group whose beliefs and practices are controlled by people that are no longer living. (Jesus is alive...and so it's OK to be influenced by the Bible.)

jjon hanning said...

I'm a little puzzled... I figure you are either TC from MN or JA from MI... and in either case I belive I was in contact with you until, either in the case or the first individual I was told not to contact you anymore, or in the case of the second, I was discussing the where's and whys and was dropped like a hot potato...

i agree with meg and I think it a bit unreasonable for folks to feel like someone should have contacted them to ask my, when they didn't bother to say goodbye to ones they've fellowshipped with for years.

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts:
* If someone told you not to contact me anymore, then who was that? Why did you take their opinion so highly? On what authority did they make that call? Did that person talk to me to find out my reasons for leaving? I only explained my reasons to very few people until now. It sounds their statement to not contact me anymore was a controlling one. Adults should be able to make good decisions on their own about who they can talk to.
* The door to relationship to those in the LHMM is not open for anyone who thinks differently on even minor doctrinal issues. See the plain example of the recent disfellowshipping that has occurred in the LHMM.
* To contact every person in the group and explain my reasons for leaving would have immediately identified and marked me as a sifter. I did not want this title assigned to me and so I was silent about my reasons...for nearly 10 years.
* Also, I continue to send out Christmas cards to many friends in the LHMM in an attempt to keep those relationships open...but still they do not ask and act as if nothing has happened...when something major has happened.

According to the LHMM, I and others that have left the LHMM have fallen away from "the truth" and are to be avoided. This is really because of brainwashing that tends to keep people where they are and stop them from thinking independently.
Really, this whole topic is a minor point, but it illustrates well the type of control that Johnson continues to have over LHMM adherents.

TIRZAH said...

Dear Anonymous,

Your message is more important to me than trying to find out who you are and putting you in a box.

Thanks for your comments. And you're right in many of your observations.

Many associated with the LHMM have the mind set that they are on trial for life in this life. (As you know, only the spirit begotten were on trial for life. They gave up their hopes for Restitution.) As a result of this mind set, they have become judgmental of those who decide to go a different way.

I have been one of those. Instead of asking questions and trying to understand the individual's "Adult" decision. I clammed up and pass judgement. I have come to the understanding through study, growth and time that my past course was wrong. As a wise person shared with me years ago: "Some things come with Time!"

I don't want to think and have the current mind set of many (Not All) that associate with the LHMM. They have become narrow minded and CULT like! They say in Questions Meetings in FL "Don't shake their hand" "Avoid Them" They call faithful Christians "Former Brethren" Since when did Jehovah God give man the ability to "Read men's hearts?"

Regardless of who you are; If you truly love the Lord and are a believer, then you're my "Brother" or "Sister."

Anonymous said...

After being associated with LHMM and ABS for several years, well, I believe the Lord's words at Revelation 18 is quite fitting: 'Get out of Babylon my people' . . . and I have.

Anonymous said...

"Get out of her (Babylon the Great and her daughter organizations - churches of old Christendom) my people if you don't wish to share in her sins and receive of her punishments" - I have done that too! I attended a little ecclesia in Arizona for some years in ABS and LHMM and just from reading the Bible and studying its truths I saw that although they each contained some truths from the scriptures, neither one had people to were not self-righteous and to one degree or another self-exalted because of their supposed standing in "the Truth". Our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that none of his true followers are to judge others as deserving of life or death; the apostle Paul made it clear true Christians are not to look down - for any reason - on their brothers and sisters; not even those who had weak faith. (Romans chapter 14 and 15; the disciple James in his letter makes the same point. Jehovah God himself made a very pointed statement about this sort of thinking and conduct through Isaiah. (Isa. 5:20-21) And as for hiding the truth of past or current errors and continuing to teach or promote these - knowing they are errors! - Jehovah had a few things to say about this also through Jeremiah. (Jer. 23:28, 31, 32) So, after only a short time with these groups, I and a few others left them. I do not regret it and most certainly will never be going back to either of them - what would Jehovah and Jesus think of me if I did since I made a whole dedication to do God's will? No, the thought is repulsive to me.