This story was written as the result of a personal experience with the LHMM. We share it with hopes that it might impact you as an allegory...
Once there was a girl who worked hard to be good in the house of the Lord. She worked long hours to be pleasing to her master the King (Jesus) and her step-parent (the LHMM). Her step-parent gave her a long list of duties. Working as diligently as she could, she always felt lacking, thinking that if she could just do more, she could be more pleasing to her masters.
The step-parent told her she could never go to the ball (heaven) or enjoy the finer things of the kingdom such as the Holy Spirit, for they were not meant for her. She had been born at the wrong time to enjoy such pleasures. It would be arrogant of her to presume she could partake in such joys as wedding feasts or ever going to a ball. As to her education, the Bible was a good book for her to read, but she should not expect to understand it on her own and should never use it like a textbook. It was written for royalty, not her. She could take application to some nice promises, but they were not written directly for her, only for royalty. All she needed to know would be provided by the step-parent. He had even written special books for her. She must trust him to teach her all the truths she needed. The step-parent warned that there were many false teachers outside their home who could not be trusted. He cautioned that the kingdom was filled with lost misinformed people and even liars that wanted to steal her away from this the only home she had ever known. His warnings frightened the girl into submission. She tried so hard to be obedient and pleasing to her two masters—the step-parent and the King of the kingdom.
One day a messenger from the King told the girl that the King wanted her to come to the ball and to enjoy all the palace had to offer. The girl could hardly believe it! “Who me? The King wants me to come to the palace?! Is it ok, is it really ok?” her thoughts swirled. It would mean leaving the home of her step-parent who had provided her basic necessities and her education. If she went to the palace, it would mean acknowledging that the step-parent was wrong and did not have all the truth. The girl knew one thing in her heart, that she loved King Jesus more than any other master. She felt sincerity and urgency in the invitation that drew her with magnetic force to the palace.
The King rejoiced when she arrived, opened wide his arms, and gave her a big hug exclaiming, “I love you! You are welcome here. Know that you are my daughter.” He was so delighted that she had come that he burst into singing a beautiful song of praise over her (Zeph. 3:17). The girl had never before felt such warmth, such love, such power--that made her feel clean from her head to her toes. He gave her beautiful new clothes to wear. In fact everything she possessed was brand new, because now she was a princess of the King! He said, “The Bible is my love letter written for you. I give you the Holy Spirit as a ring for you to feel on your finger and know that you are mine.”
It took the girl a long time to fully believe this, even though she wanted to believe. “Enjoy the ball, dance with me, dance with all the other princesses.” the King urged. The girl, now a princess tried to dance, but she felt self-conscious; worried others would realize that she was a new-comer. What if they asked about her past? How could she explain the old life and lies with her step-parent that now seemed so foolish? She wanted to dance, but sometimes she also wanted to run and hide.
It was only as the new princess spent intimate time close to her only Master, the King that she learned to relax, to dance, to enjoy the ball. She shared all her fears and worries with her King. He patiently listened and quieted her, melting all her fears away and filling her with the confidence and grace of a princess. “Come to the ball, my princess, my daughter” were the words now etched on her heart.
This is no fairy tale; this is my journey of deliverance from spiritual bondage.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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Me has not answered trinity questions. Why?
question for ME. What are the differences between Russell's and Johnson's teachings?
Those in the movement would say that Johnson is the only true successor to Russell and that his teachings build upon those of Russell rather than change or modify them. Johnson in general uses many more "types" and "antitypes" where Bible people, places, and things would represent Johnson himself and events that happened during his life. Suddenly, after his death there is nearly a lack of new teachings similar to in effect God stopped talking in such a manner to "His people" after Johnson died...over 50 years ago. It's as if that time period where he lived was overly important...and to him it was. He had an over active imagination.
do you think that Russell had the truth considering the time he had to actually read and study the Bible?
There are things he wrote that could be considered in theological debate...but it is one opinion among many and I do not lend greater weight to his interpretation as do those in the movement.
did you think that Russell was the faithful slave? Who is the faithful slave in your scriptural opinion?
If Russell was able to find truth in the Bible, why should Johnson spoil that? Even if you had been hurt by Johnson and his teachings, how does that change the truth?
The soul is the person or life a person enjoys.
When Jesus gave his soul (life) he needed to be resurrected or created to live again.
Death is the opposite of life , non existence. Ec 9:5
Hab.1:12 says God cannot die. Jehovah, Jesus father raised him to life.
This is the same God who the jews prayed to, including Jesus!
Jesus called the Father the only true God at John 17:3.
“Me” has abandoned the truth for the misdirection of one man, Johnson.
Moses told Israel that life and death was before them to choose, He said choose life!
The nation of Israel as well as the Christian congregation had to follow men, imperfect men.
We read the Bible as the word of God, the people of Bible times had to accept the info we call inspired as a letter or word from men. The subject of circumcision was decided upon by older men who said
They had been guided by holy spirit. At that time how would we have responded?
We may have said that their view was “restrictive” “with blinders” after all they like us are imperfect.
Bottom line is that Jesus is not God and “Me” along with many others deny what they have known to be truth because of a manor men!
What should be of utmost importance is that Jehovah requires only what is best for us, and satan
Is the one who can influence us to consider requirements as restrictive as he did Eve.
Please comment
Interesting logic in "abandoned the truth" phrase. You need to define what that means before you can say it is so. How do you define truth? How do you know what I believe on every point? One main point of this blog is to learn that we should not accept one or two men's opinions as ultimate truth. There is not one perfect set of ANYONE understanding EVERYTHING about God, His plan, and all doctrines. In any case it is not knowledge of doctrines that is of ultimate importance. "Knowledge puffs up but love builds up."
I am refering to one truth in scripture.Has this truth been abandoned because of Johnson? Russell? This truth of what a soul is was understood before Russell.
This is the truth found in the Bible, what was understood by the writers.
Assuming they were right about the state of the soul...for sake of argument... then the logic is...if Russell and Johnson were correct about one thing then they must be followed and correct about everything?
Not at all. If we can find that the truth is actually in the scriptures then they can build from that point. The issue is will we reject a truth because of a man?
In answer to anyone understanding everything about God’s purpose.
The first century body of older men did not understand everything, yet they made up the body of older men that Jesus obviously used to help direct the Christian
Congregation. Understanding everything is not at issue in the scriptures. The truth as best as we can understand is, just as it was in the first century. Peter denied Jesus. Even though he was repentanthe still was imperfect he would not accept the Gentile Christians and Paul got into a dispute and a sharp burst of anger. Incest was taking place in the Corinthian congregation and corrected. Serious sins are a part of the true Christian congregation. Yes they need to be corrected and our faithfulness to Jehovah is what is being tested by Satan and this system, will we stay with his people as faithful ones in the past remained with those who would not reject truths necessary for worship to be acceptable to Jehovah.
In conclusion...I have found that the LHMM does not have ALL the truth yet they claim that they do have the most pure truth of anyone. This claim is false and not defendable. They also have a past track record of leaders that do not exhibit characteristics of a good leader. So therefore, following them is not advisable. There are many better alternatives (none perfect)...and you can still study the Scriptures and attempt to figure everything else if you like. Doing so is nice but not the most important thing we should do. We are commanded first to love others.
We are actually commanded to love Jehovah first!Jesus quoted Deuteronomy ch 6 that our love for Jehovah should be with all our heart,soul(life)and strength, and second your neighbor. I say this not to dispute, but to highlight that Brother Russell who was not correct about everything, led people to some basic Bible teachings. One Bible teaching was that the Father Jehovah alone is the true GOD, the GOD that Jesus himself prayed to and worshipped.John 17:1-3, 20:17
It sounds like you had some very difficult times. My question is if we have love for Jehovah first, will we abandon the truth we have come to know because of a man?
I ask not with the idea that you will "return" to LHMM, but that the issue is from Satan when he attacked Job - will we reject Jehovah if life turns difficult and it seems to be coming from God?
You equate the LHMM way with Jehovah and God and the truth. This simply is not a defendable position. How do you know that what we have apart from the LHMM now is NOT the TRUTH? We do love Jehovah as the Father. What are the essential doctrines of the LHMM that comprise the full truth? The organization is not Jehovah or His way.
I dont equate Brother Russell with LHMM. Reading this blog has made one thing clear to me. The trinity and serving Jehovah are not compatible. Again, I am not debating the point to promote LHMM.
I am highlighting a teaching that many people throughout history understood. That the trinity was formulated long after the inspired scriptures had been written. Russell was not the first to understand that. The comments in this blog on the trinity shows that the person (Me)who departed LHMM, has rejected a truth that has always existed, not something "Russell" figured out on his own.
The fact that other religious people,nice people, reject the Bible teaching that Jehovah, the Father is alone the Almighty True GOD.
I agree that Brother Russell being long since passed away, has much, actually most of his writings that over time has shown that as sincere as he was, his study and understanding was limited as any human would be. The fact remains that he was alowed to "see" the truth about the soul, hell and the trinity. At that time that was alot of information for a small group to proclaim.
Nice cinderella story timmy... but you have made up a good bit of it. The LHMM never tried to control you... the LHMM is a fund. The executive trustee of that 'fund' does not control the beliefs of others, but he must uphold the truth as he sees it. If you or I think something different, that is only following scriptural advice to study to show yourself approved unto God...
so give it up as to the poor timmy saga who was forced in a kidnap situation to believe a certain way. I remember when you clearly served the Lord with a smile on your face. You seemed to flip overnight without any clear reasoning. Do you still teach that stuff regarding 24 hour creative days? sheesh!
You are a bold teacher still hiding in the bushes by the roadside... boldly going where no man has well, I mean the only boldness seems to be in your arrogance and inability to face the light. Jesus never preached from the bush
Hey! I was asking sincere questions!
First off, please do not make assumptions about who the author(s) of this blog are. There are multiple authors and they have been written anonymously for many reasons. It helps to protect those people that have been hurt by the group as well as their families. Second, resorting to rude remarks and judgments about me or others serves no productive purpose. The fruits of the LHMM speak for themselves. You also have no idea how we (collectively the authors) of the blog happily serve the Lord these days. You have never reached out and asked. Our "conversions" were also not overnight. It was a long struggle. I would say that none of us are looking for any sympathy nor do we need it because God has richly blessed our lives. If you respectfully disagree with the opinions expressed here then leave it for others to read and form their own opinions. I only wish someone would have been as honest when I was asking the questions. Blessings to you.
I hope that the comment just before jjon hanning can be pondered.
jjon hanning if you are in agreement with LHMM, who is that "steward" Jesus said would give "meat in due season"?
How truly dissapointing to find a blog such as this! To "ME"... do you remember anything of what having a Christ-like "spirit" means? While the creativity of your Cinderella Story is entertaining and showcases your talent with the written word, it's in reading between the lines that one finds the true sentiment of heart. This is not written as much to educate, as much as it is to slander. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. How disappointing. May God bless you with a heart of love and heal your perceived injury. None of us is perfect. No, not one. Be careful, my friend, a position on a high and lofty perch puts one in danger of a long and painful fall...
I see this blog is not open for discussion... my response that was here yesterday is now missing.... it is easy to continue in your confusion if you ignor those who are seeking to help you.
Missing comments?
not a good practice in most cases.
Jon, not sure how your comment got removed. But it was saved in my email...and so I will repost it here...
I have nothing to fear by your posts and plan at some point soon to call you directly. It seems that you have taken this as a personal attack when it is meant as speaking the truth in love so that others can view the impact of various teachings and attitudes on real life experiences. I am well aware that experiences like this can happen in any church because people are imperfect but I do believe that the teachings of Johnson especially lead one down a path that is truly damaging. By writing this blog the authors have taken a bold stand and fully expect that you and others within the LHMM would reject us as that has been the past pattern. If you are open to discussion I welcome it after reading what has been written here. Unfortunately, you can not argue with our personal experiences. They happened as told.
Just because you love and forgive someone doesn't mean that they are safe or that you require an ongoing relationship with is the case with a divorce for example.
Regarding asking you question personally, Jon. I asked questions at all levels of the organization for many years including the executive trustee of the group. His answers were in part what forced me to leave as I saw the inconsistencies with public vs. private answers. I seldom got any answers that were fact most of my real questions were completely unanswered.
Jon is asking for communication with one of the authors.
Could the discussion be part of the blog for the benefit of all readers?
It seems that the issue is with Johnson’s writings. What about Brother Russell?
Regarding "asked questions at all levels of the organization" did you find that the trinity was true? Did you find that the immortal soul is a true teaching?
These false teachings have been exposed. I still wonder why these Bible teachings have been abandoned
There is more said about Johnson on this blog due to the fact that his writings is what makes the LHMM unique. Without them, they would be another Bible Student group. Anytime you take the writings of one fallible individual as complete truth there is danger. When I was asking questions within the organization I was not focusing on things like the trinity or immortal soul teachings. They are details on theology and understanding of the Bible. Many other than Russell and Johnson have studied and written about these topics. The question is...will you allow these doctrines to separate you from the larger world of Christian believers no matter your opinion on their validity?
These are some of the teachings that separated the Israelites from the false worship around them.
These are some of the teachings that separated the 1st Century Christians from the false worship around them.
Today they also separate true worshippers from false worshippers.
Mt.7:21-27 ,Acts 20:28-31 shows us that many will claim to do good things in Jesus name but are rejected because of not doing the will of the Father Jehovah the only true God.(Jn17:1-3) It would also be true that some who had been true worshippers would teach twisted things to draw away true followers after themselves. They could not go and make disciples for themselves they had to subvert the faith of former friends, in some cases by attacking the imperfections of men like Paul.
Russell, among others, saw through these falsehoods through the study of the scriptures.
The question is can you allow these doctrines to separate you from serving Jehovah in spirit and TRUTH along with the minority of Christian believers trying their best to stay on the narrow road to life ? It has to be worship that meets His standard, not yours not mine. That standard is found in the Bible. In the garden of Eden Satan offered an alternative to what Jehovah had established as a way of life. Jehovah did not need to offer many roads to life after sin. One way of worship is the standard for God. Satan has “many” ways to avoid serving Jehovah that all have the same outcome, hence Mt7:13-14, Mt 28:19-20.
People have evidently been deeply hurt by Johnson and his influence.
It is a shame that Bible truths are abandoned because of a man.
Our relationship with Jehovah is often shown to be weak or strong by our response to the severe tests that Satan puts upon us
The scriptures you point to as "one way of worship that pleases God" do not make the jump from doctrine to practice. I believe God looks much more at the heart, desire, and willingness of an individual to do His will than he does at their particular understanding of doctrines...right or wrong. By this thought God's mercy and grace is wide. Then you point also to the idea of the "narrow way". Even if you took everyone in the world that professes Christianity today (any form) and said that they would all see salvation, I think it could be argued that it would still be a fraction of the people that have defining "narrow" is difficult...especially when you consider the "Great Company or Multitude"...that even makes the way even wider. So I have no problem including sincere Christians honestly trying to do God's will as being part of those that are truly worshiping Him and that they would be counted among those with salvation. I believe we will truly be surprised by who we will see in the Kingdom and it is not our job to decide who is in and out be arbitrary association with a particular organization on earth. That was one thing that Johnson did frequently...telling people what class they were in and using it to build his little kingdom. Quite abusive.
Interpretations belong to God. Gen 40:8 Not to us.
We only need a page or two of the Bible if love is the only information we need.
As Jesus showed, love motivated him to conduct himself in a way that brought honor and glory to Jehovah, “the Only True God” We can have the same love if the conduct draws us and others to “know” God.
The Greek scriptures have abundant evidence that Jesus was head of the congregation and used the older men in Jerusalem, to direct the congregations – that is called an organization. They could be identified by how their love for Jehovah caused them act, how they treated others etc, how they worked at putting on the new personality. NOT perfection. They would live under many governments but always stay united by Christian teaching, what many call doctrine. This would help the when the foretold apostasy would bring in twisted teachings to lead Jesus followers after themselves. We need to have what Jesus said was the truth; it would set us free from falsehoods and the displeasing of God by our ignorant worship that Jehovah rejects. It would identify those that practice the form of religion acceptable to God. James 1:27 Many of us can understand the difference between someone be part of false worship without knowing the truth, and someone who knows it and rejects it and fights it. That also is a form of spiritual abuse.
According to the Holy Bible only the meek or teachable would respond to the truth. Can we develop and grow in our teachable attitude.
The entire Bible is what God gave us...and there is a lot to be learned from it. There are some big conclusions here from limited Scriptural evidence. For example, identifying one organization as the source of all truth to this day. I don't see evidence for this in the Bible. Assigning a one or a group of individuals to assert their interpretations as final authority is similar to establishing a Pope in the Catholic church.
no big conclusions. just not sure any of the authors would welcome the subject.
I am not sure what the question would be of my statement. Jesus and other followers made it clear that some would bring in twisted teachings. Trinity, hellfire, immortal soul have all been shown to be unscriptural. Secular history shows how non-christian worship had varieties of these teachings and the nation of Israel did not. Jehovah told them not to get involved with the false gods of the nations around them. During the apostasy the Christians adopted these very beliefs. Brother Russell simply educated himself on many of these subjects and gathered them together. Why has he been the only one to put so much existing truth together when anyone had it available to them , less the courage to face the religious leaders?
I have never said that Russell had ALL truth, the Bible does not support that conclusion. It does support progressive understanding of truth.
Using the Emphatic Diaglott:
Acts ch 15 shows the authority that the older men had and how the congregations accepted the letters they sent with correction.
2Thess talks of obeying, instruction, marking. The same authority as Acts ch 15? We accept this info as “inspired”, at the time they had to have faith in imperfect men to taking the lead had been directed by God.
1Thess. 5:14 Brethren …admonish the disorderly…
Who would listen to admonition unless they have proven authority?
The same authority as Acts ch 15?
Gal 6:16 “Walk by this rule….
What rule?
Who made the rule?
The same authority as Acts ch 15?
Gal 6:1 A fault that a spiritual one would reinstate in meekness
A fault based on who’s interpretation?
Who is the (qualified) spiritual one?
The same authority as Acts ch 15?
These are just a few examples. As they did in the first century complaining about Paul to the congregation, we should expect that the imperfect men used will be complained about.
A Final Note From Jay W
In May of 1992, May 2nd to be precise, I met a young lady who at that time was a member of LHMM(along with her husband)
My wife and I made arrangements to return when we could talk to them together.
When we returned we found that we had much in common. Subjects in common included the rejection of the unscriptural teachings: trinity, hellfire and immortal soul. The most uniting subject of course was that Jehovah is the only true God, something that has been raped from the newer Bible translations.
The only big difference…..well actually two differences: #1we believe that Johnson was the person who left what Jehovah was using as His instrument to provide food at the proper time.MT. 24:45-46 and LK.12:42-44 and #2 Brother Russell had been used to rekindle the true worship of Jehovah, and that over time scriptural light would progress. PR.4:18 we do not believe that Brother Russell was alone used as the faithful steward.
Life took many unhappy turns for the couple that we met, and for us as well, such is life. We continued to keep in touch.
One day I decided to attempt an email, a form of communication that was fairly new in 1999.
January 18 1999 I received a response.
Changes in the life of these dear friends had taken a heavy toll.
A painful divorce from LHMM was one of the issues that this young family would face.
I quote the email that I have to this day: “my break from LHMM…..although I agree with many of the basic doctrines many of which are in common with JW’s……
I was hopeful that this would be the time to see that after Russell died that Johnson had the truth in part but had broken away from Jehovah’s channel of progressive truth.
Instead of saving himself and potentially his family, as the head of his household he eventually abandoned the truth all together.
I can no longer spend my time on this blog that does not promote the truth.
The Bible is a big book and it describes itself often as a guidebook.
To believe that “love” alone is enough contradicts the Bible to the degree of apostasy, fighting against the truth.
Love for Jehovah and our neighbor are the two main commands for Christians.
Love for Jehovah means that we reject any false teachings that offend Him, trinity, hell (in any form other that the common grave) and the teaching of the immortal soul.
We cannot believe lies and be in company with Jehovah. It puts us in company with the father of the lie Satan, and since he rules the world and can transform himself into an angel light, I do not find it difficult to read or hear of anyone who finds comfort in Satan’s world of false religion.
Jehovah is answering the challenge of Satan that He is not a good God or Ruler.
Jehovah is allowing us as humans to use our free will to show our position.
This blog has shown that , to this point, Jehovah has been rejected, at least by some.
I realize that people will claim to serve the true God, but the actions and adoptions of false beliefs prove that statement false. Romans 10:2
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I still believe that you haven't fully understood what is written here...and jump to conclusions that make it so you must disagree. "Love" is not all that is necessary to be is by faith in Christ alone that we are saved. Rom. 3:28-30; Rom. 4:5; Rom. 5:1; Rom. 9:30; Rom. 10:4; Rom. 11:6; Gal. 2:16; Gal. 2:21; Gal.3:5-6; Gal. 3:24; Eph. 2:8-9; Phil. 3:9 We are not saved by our works, beliefs, or by following a particular organization. That is clear in the Scriptures. I pray that you find a clear path and God blesses you greatly.
Jay W has a lot of questions, and I can see how that is difficult here to fit in with what else is going on, since he can't possibly understand much about either LHMM or your situation.
Yes, if you want to talk, I'm all for that... but when there are multiple authors all going by Anon... that sure makes it difficult to know who you're talking to. Since we all really know one another, the Anon thing really doesn't make much sense to me... I'm not sure what protection you might need from the LHMM... they are not stalking anybody or seeking to give anyone a hard time.
Let me make a couple things clear:
The brethren I affilate with do not hold Paul Johnson to be infallible or the end all of religious thinking... you are stretching that point far beyond the truth of the matter. We do hold him to have been a spirit begotten teacher, but I can name numerous things that were not quite correct in those teachings... many of them he pointed out himself.
Each indivudual affiliated with this movement is an individual responsible for their own salvation. LHMM has no membership and no one signs on or makes any agreement to believe this or that. Study to show yourself approved unto God it the Biblical Rule. If you differ on this or that point it is your business. If you are an appointee of this movement and you differ on some significant point, the movement does not provide the platform for you to speak against it. One who has many points of diagreement therein should ask himself by he accepted such an appointeeship...
If the LHMM HQ knows what is going on in a particular ecclesia, it is because that ecclesia made it known. What our ecclesia does is its own business and it answers only to the Lord. It is not general knowledge to the LHMM
That all being said, we each much press on forward and do the best we can. I do not personally hold against anyone... or any of you, the position you have taken. I never disfellowshipped any of you or made any such statement.... or any of those who recently left the movement for other reasons, many of which were in the same class you once attended. They claimed that I did so and had shunned them when I didn't even know they were in such a predicament. I do still communicate with a number of these brethren including some from that class.
If you are happy where you are, then I am happy for you... the only thing I have spoken against is the notion that LHMM is seeking to lead people down some primrose path to destruction. I know of no other group that makes allowance for people to be where they fell they need to be. bible Students in general say we are not even Christians! I smile at that because I know better. I would not say the same thing to you either... I know you believe in the Lord and I have no business to assume that you are doing less than seeking Him the way you see fit...
but I will seek to defend what I am a part of if I think it is being mis-spoken about.
hope that all makes sense
Not sure what Jay W does not get, or what you think I dont understand,but you sound like your LHMM experience and beliefs are different from those on this blog
This is just hate mail. Does not point to any real solution, and is NOT love.
Anonymous, 1 of many, signing off.
Say what you want about Johnson, the truths that had been passed on by many men and collected by Russell into one series of books is unique in the study of scripture. To adopt the trinity, immortal soul… to punish God Himself. God has shown that He has strong feelings about false worship(beliefs).We have no right to say that doctrine means little when love of God would mean the champion of truth!
Even if you were entirely correct about your view of can't make the jump in logic from belief in that set of doctrines and salvation. The Bible (and Jehovah) provides no such stipulation.
John 17:3 Now this eternal life:that they may know you the only true God........only true God requires knowledge of who Jesus says the only true God is. Jn 4:24worship in truth is the kind of worshipers God is seeking.
To forgive and forget means not forgetting something happened, it means we do not keep bringing up the subject.
My Cinderella Story
A man came to me and told me of a man who was a false Christ. He told of this man being homeless, talked of making the needed radical change of government, said that we had to eat his flesh and drink his blood to live! This man told me that the homeless man wanted followers to tell others of his radical teachings, and he accepted. Now he realizes that this radical talk against the governments would cause trouble for the people. He has decided to let people know the truth about this man to help others escape the crazy teachings and beliefs of this homeless man. You too may be helped to escape the teachings of this radical man named Jesus!
Great allegory, and very apt. A recent leader claimed that the writings of Pastor Russell were more important to him than the Bible, that, if he had to choose, he would choose the writings of CT Russell over the Bible, since one could not understand scripture without them.
Nowhere in the teachings of Jesus Christ does it say that there will be different classes of the faithful. Personally, I think that these beliefs emerged when CT Russell's prophecies about TIME OF OUR LORD'S RETURN did not come to pass. They function to keep his prophecies intact when they in fact failed, thus creating the need for these separate 'classes' in order to adapt to the idea that the High Calling ended in 1914. Also, the idea that Jesus' return is "invisible" clearly not scriptural [Revelation 1:7]... so of course they discourage unsupervised study of the Bible and whether they admit it or not, they only study scripture through the lens of Russell's and Johnson's books, and they do this with pre-formed questions outlined in those very books.
It also is worth pointing out that with this strange hyper-focus on a mistaken prophecy, the LHMM has lost all ability, it seems, to examine their own mistakes, while constantly pointing the finger at "sectarianism" and "the Papacy" when they themselves have some pretty disturbing tendencies: they are indeed a sect, and quite a controlling one; their attitude as to the infallibility of their founders is eerily reminiscent of Rome. All in the name of truth. How ironic, and sadly, how deluded.
Mathew 24:36 says that no man knows when Jesus returns. Funny, that LHMM thinks that C.T. Russell did.
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